Brisbane Portrait Photographer -rock star in the making!
n n Check out this absolutely spunky chicken , Skye. In all my years of shooting this little girl will stay in my memory for me, as being a seriously entertaining groover. I have no ...
n n Check out this absolutely spunky chicken , Skye. In all my years of shooting this little girl will stay in my memory for me, as being a seriously entertaining groover. I have no ...
Well what a big year it has been. It was on my list this year to blog more, which we have done successfully in the 3 studios. Just not so great on this one, so ...
Our Hawthorn photographer Natasha cooked up a storm with Vivienne’s gorgeous girls Mary and Angelina at their recent family shoot. They had a great time – albeit a little messy – in the kitchen of ...
I hope you love it, this is a quick peek at three different shoots we have done recently. It makes me fall in love with black and white all over again. If you do like ...
Roadtrip 2011!!! We started with 5 kids in the car, Andy and I put up with a fair amount of Justin Bieber and Nikki Minaj which was funny. Ok so maybe I enjoyed it more ...
As a creative person I love seeing clients who are not afraid to go out on a limb and do something a little different. When Jaci and Doug came to see us at our Hawthorn ...
n Family Photography Brisbane n n Nicole n Nicole & Denis, Thank you! for inviting me into your home over the years & allowing me to be a part of your family growing & growing ...
During his early thirties, my Dad built us our family home. Not only were the designs and plan his, but from mud, he made each brick. He built our kitchen benches, our pantry cupboards, ...
We’ve recently had the pleasure of welcoming gorgeous Steph into Melbourne’s Katrina Christ Photographer brood. As one of our family photographers, Stephanie brings with her a wealth of experience in photography, an outstanding portfolio ...
Meet Katrina Christ — O & E L’s November Woman of the Month Evernwalked into a friend’s house and seen gorgeous black, white andncoloured photographs of their family posing naturally and lookingngorgeous together? Chances are, those ...
This is Sally n Sally and I met years ago when she had asked me to photograph her when she was pregnant with her second baby. We did this gorgeous shoot of her and her ...
There is something undeniably fascinating about newborns. They just have an ability to captivate you (hence it’s easy to lose hours just starting at them), with their little noises and movements (and snorts and grizzles!) ...
© 2021 Katrina Christ PhotographER. Family Photography Brisbane. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | PRIVACY | website by MARIANNE CHRIST & KREATOLOGY
This fee covers your photo shoot with Katrina, including a beautiful natural makeup for mum. You then purchase your photo’s a week later at our Design Consultation together. Please choose either a weekday or weekend shoot. I can’t wait to connect with you and your beautiful family.