Book your beautiful family photoshoot here →

Wear Green For Premmies Day with our friends at St Vincents Private Hospital Melbourne

Are you wearing green today for Wear Green for Premmies?


We’ve had the pleasure of teaming with St Vincent’s Private Hospital Melbourne and many wonderful families and their beautiful children to celebrate this special day. 
nIf you are sporting your greens why not join us and share a pic on social media with the tag ‪#‎green4prems‬ ?



You can learn more about why Wear Green for Premmies day is so important with L’il Aussie Prems Foundation.


‪#‎StVincentsPrivateBaby‬ ‪#‎weargreen2016‬


newborn photography brisbane black and white

Book Your Family Photoshoot

This fee covers your photo shoot with Katrina, including a beautiful natural makeup for mum.  You then purchase your photo’s a week later at our Design Consultation together. Please choose either a weekday or weekend shoot. I can’t wait to connect with you and your beautiful family.